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BR Newsletter             April 2022

Reminders and Updates


    • All camper forms and tuition are due June 1st.
    • The Camper Health History form is now live in the registration portal.
    • Click Here for a copy of the BR Physical form. This form is separate from the Health History form and must be signed and dated by a physician
    • The next auto-payment date for camper sessions is May 20th. You can check your balance in the registration portal.

We have started a BR Parents Facebook group! Click Here to Join!

If you missed the New Parent Zoom Meeting, Click Here to view it.

Mother-Daughter Retreats:

    • Mother Daughter tuition is due May 1st and forms are due June 1st.


    • If you are interested in hosting a private alumni weekend this fall please contact Maddie in the office.

Preparing for Camp

To help eliminate lost and found we always encourage labeling your camper’s belongings. One of our favorite ways to do this is with Mabels Labels! They’re waterproof & durable name labels to ensure your items return home. We appreciate you properly labeling all camp items! 

March Madness Winner

Meet your first annual Black River March Madness winner,


Thank you to everyone who participated in March Madness this year. We hope you had as much fun as we did!

Meet the Newest Additions to the Herd!

This winter we have added many new friends to our herd this winter. We are excited for you all to meet them this summer!

Howdy from the Office

Why is Summer Camp Important?

The Camp Experience Enriches Lives and Changes the World.


Camp provides children with a community of caring adults who nurture experiential education, resulting in self-respect and appreciation for human value. All of the outcomes — self-identity, self-worth, self-esteem, leadership, and self-respect — build personal competencies. These personal competencies are reflected in the camp community’s four “C’s”: compassion, contribution, commitment, and character! These qualities will help build a successful nation and a civil society.

Click Here to read more about the importance of camp!

Horse Talk

Prepared to Trot?

If you’ve never ridden a horse before, it’s common to go too far in one direction or the other. You’re either scared silly (“That animal is HUGE!”), or feel like it’s going to be a breeze (“Tallyho, Silver!”). After all, the horse is doing all the work, right?

Learning to ride a horse can look very complicated, and there is a lot that goes into riding well. But breaking down each element into baby steps helps riders of all ages become proficient equestrians.

The Certified Horsemanship Association has some great resources to help prepare you for your first ride!

Click Here for a great videos that will lay out many of the horseback riding basics!

Camper Corner

Coloring Craze

The BR herd has loved all of the fan mail they have received in the past! As we gear up for summer, we need to make sure the horses are ready too. Show them your love and remind them how excited you are to see them by drawing them some great pictures. They love seeing what you can create!

Click Here to Print the Coloring Pages

Please mail or email us your drawings

This Newsletter was emailed via constant Contact. Click here for the orginal webversion.